Destry's Lounge [DSTYL]

CEOCabbage1Tax rate0.10000000149012%

Alliance history

Destry's LoungeImportant Internet Spaceship League.2022-04-08 03:552022-05-07 11:0329 days, 7 hours and 8 minutes
Destry's LoungeImportant Internet Spaceship League2009-02-12 04:132022-04-08 03:5513 years, 1 month, 26 days, 23 hours and 42 minutes
Destry's LoungeChains Of Chaos2008-10-18 04:422009-02-12 04:133 months, 24 days, 23 hours and 31 minutes
Destry's LoungeXIII Legio2008-02-20 22:522008-10-18 04:427 months, 27 days, 5 hours and 50 minutes
Destry's Lounge is named after what was once the greatest redneck bar in the world.

If you like to shoot other people's internet space ships, and wear beer goggles, maybe this corp is for you.

Currently recruiting PVP Pilots,
join: "Destrys Lounge"
or contact Elamentari or Leelo



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